Unfortunately, all Saturday cricket has been called off again this weekend, as well as the Sunday 1sts game. However we will still have some Carnegie teams in action, our Sunday 2nds are scheduled to face Emmanuel at Scammell Reserve on Sunday afternoon, and our junior sides should already be on the park in their Friday night games – the U/11s are hosting Malvern down at Lords #3 and the U/13s are facing Oakleigh District Footballers at Princes Highway Reserve. Get down there if you can!
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- Australian Cricket’s Commitment to Safeguarding Children and Young People
- Australian Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People
- Australian Cricket’s ‘Looking After Our Kids’ Code of Behaviour for Affiliated Associations and Clubs
- Carnegie CC Policy for Safeguarding Children 2021/22
- Carnegie Cricket Club Code of Behaviour
- Cricket Southern Bayside Code of Behaviour
- Cricket Victorias Child Safety and Member Protection
- CV Member Protection Policy
- Mercantile Cricket Association Code of Conduct